Welcome Back to Mentoring Pairs for Child Care
The ECCDC was honoured to have the opportunity to launch Mentoring Pairs for Child Care (MPCC) in 2009, a provincially-funded program that enhanced child care quality by matching more experienced child care supervisors with less experienced supervisors. Mentoring Pairs for Child Care enhanced the quality of care in Ontario's licensed child care centres by expanding child care supervisors' knowledge and understanding through a process of group learning, guided communication, site visits, and one-on-one coaching and interaction. Opportunities were offered for supervisors to deepen their capacity for excellence in child care administration. In addition to the benefits of this one-to-one mentoring relationship, Mentoring Pairs for Child Care provided networking, professional development, and recognition opportunities and mentees gained skill sets that allowed them to accelerate their careers and achieve higher levels of job satisfaction.
After more than a decade, the ECCDC is proud to relaunch a revitalized, virtual Mentoring Pairs for Child Care Program that leverages the past Mentoring Pairs process and framework, while providing updated curriculum in alignment with today's trends in early learning and child care. Through Mentoring Pairs for Child Care, we hope to inspire longstanding supervisors to work alongside their newer colleagues, to help support the development of emerging leadership skills, develop a deeper knowledge and understanding, and support the critical issue of retention through the building of strong, trusting, and collaborative relationships.
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